
Science is what we know.  Everyone at Keion was a scientist first and foremost before entering the business world.  Who better than a fellow scientist to evaluate your business and guide your Company from bench to business than a fellow scientist?  Our expertise is in Platform Technologies & Instruments, Molecular Diagnostics, Biopharmaceuticals, and Research Tools that sell into the Life Science Industry.

At Keion, we do things a little bit differently than other consulting firms.  For us, our “scientific training” isn’t just a B.S. from Harvard or a prestigious post doc from 30 years ago.  What we’re trying to say is that we’re current.  Science is a passion for us, and everyone who works for Keion can get down and dirty at the bench.  This is in stark contrast to other more “traditional” consulting firms, and our approach

Here’s how it works at most other consulting firms.  The client engages a consulting firm to ask for market information regarding their product.  The consulting firm, lacking scientists with current knowledge of the field, refers the question to their database of KOL’s (Key Opinion Leaders), and after a brief 15 minute phone call with each KOL, will compile the results of their phone calls into a table and report back to the PI the “results.”  There is no transparency to this process.  Oftentimes the client does not know who the KOL’s consulted are, and has no way to ascertain whether the appropriate questions were asked.  The consultants, whom the client has paid for this “expert knowledge” similarly, are unable to effectively adjudicate the information provided.  In effect, the consultants are simply information couriers, and in effect, the client is left with a generalized response, the quality of which is essentially based more on the reputation of the KOL and consulting firm rather than any hard data or deep dive analysis.

Keion is different.  As current scientists, we will take the time necessary to understand your technology, and we will develop a sound understanding of the key issues that are make-or-break factors in your business.  Sure, we’ll solicit opinions from our KOL’s, but we’ll make sure they are relevant to the field, and we’ll approach them from a position of knowledge, able to ask hard-hitting questions and return the blended results of our internal analysis flavored with our KOL’s insight into a meaningful and actionable analysis for our clients.

Our role as scientists helps us in other areas as well.  As functioning scientists, we can help design experiments, write grants and SBIR applications as if we were PI’s ourselves.  When our client’s request it, we can quickly become an integral part of your company, fulfilling whatever role has the most urgent need.  This extends to our work with investment professionals in venture capital as well as technology incubators and tech transfer offices.  We are our own technical and business experts all rolled into one.

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