
Keion is helping life science companies, Investors, and University OTMs efficiently translate their technologies into successful commercial businesses or products with the common goal of improving life.  We take a personal interest in the success of each of our clients, and we tailor our services to the unique demands of each of our clients.  We look forward to creating value together with you.

This is our mantra:  “Translating Science into Business to Improve LIFE.”

Our singular purpose is to provide guidance and execution support to facilitate the commercialization of nascent life science technologies.  We do this because we are passionate about life science, and we believe that we can find commercial value where others may not see the obvious path. We offer our services to life science companies or universities who need help translating their technology to the market, as well as life science investors seeking professional due diligence.   We have expertise in early stage company development helping entrepreneurs and university technology transfer offices accelerate their commercial goals.  We also have extensive expertise commercializing technologies within a large corporate environment helping mid-sized to large firms fill specialized commercial development needs.

Our name Keion comes from the Greek word Kerykeion, which is the original name of Hermes Staff and represents safe passage and commerce.  You can see the original staff in our logo (insert logo) which represents the sun and moon (would be cool if we could show Keion logo with staff extending from it as an Image).  We have embraced the symbolism of this staff as we seek to provide safe passage for our clients through the translation of their life science technology to commercial success.

We have seen many promising technologies wither and die because the true commercial possibility was not seen by the appropriate people in a time efficient manner.  It breaks our hearts to see truly innovative technologies not succeed in the marketplace because the technology was not explained properly, or the market not clearly defined, the management didn’t have sufficient expertise, or the investors couldn’t get comfortable with the expected returns (usually because the technology was not explained properly or the business plan not clearly articulated).  We see this as a fundamental issue in the start-up and venture capital space.  The venture capital model is not broken, as some have suggested, but too many start-ups don’t understand the rules of the game.  And this is where Keion can help.  We can help start-ups navigate this path, from boot-strapping and securing non-dilutive equity funding, to building a business plan, R&D roadmap, commercialization strategy and executing business development activities, and providing an experienced team so that sophisticated investors know that the company is on the right track.  We help established companies with our niche expertise to efficiently fill gaps in their commercial product development process.  And we help investors with their due diligence, evaluating start ups and management teams, identifying weaknesses in the business plan and, most importantly, identifying which start ups have promising technologies and have some management issues that can be remedied, versus those that are fundamentally flawed regardless of the quality of the business plan or management team.

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